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Why renewable energy won’t be enough

As the world strives to go green, energy demand is rising. Where will the power come from — and what investing opportunities could be created? Watch our video.

“IF DATA CENTERS WERE A COUNTRY, they’d be the fifth largest energy consumer in the world1,” says Haim Israel, head of Global Thematic Investing, BofA Global Research. Cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other tech innovations have created a soaring demand for power.

At the same time, wars are threatening fossil fuel supplies, making the transition to renewable energy even more critical. But will that transition come soon enough? Or is the near-term solution energy addition? In the video above, Israel and Chris Hyzy, Chief Investment Officer, Merrill and Bank of America Private Bank, discuss future energy needs, energy sources that may help fill the gap, and what both energy transition and addition might mean for businesses and investors now and in the future.

For more insights on the important role that infrastructure investment could play in energy transition and addition, read “Paving the way: Expanded opportunities in infrastructure investment” from the Chief Investment Office.

For insights on other powerful global forces poised to drive markets in the years to come, watch Hyzy and Israel’s conversations on artificial intelligence and the rise of Generation Z.

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