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Capital Market Outlook

May 18, 2020


  • Macro Strategy— A Wake-Up Call   Numerous factors suggest rising global public-health risks, including pandemics. This may have implications for growth and investment patterns but we believe the U.S. is well-positioned to benefit given its competitive advantage in advanced technology, large domestic market, and room to potentially benefit standards of living.
  • Global Market View— From Hospital Wings to the West Wing: COVID-19's Influence on the U.S. Election — While there is a high degree of uncertainty as to the extent of the pandemic's impact on the upcoming U.S. election, current circumstances could move the goal posts.
  • Thought of the Week— Negative Feedback Loop in the U.S. Economy Likely to be Averted — The U.S. fiscal-policy programs enacted in response to the current pandemic are likely to limit the extent and duration of the current recession.


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