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Capital Market Outlook

March 16, 2020


  • Market Volatility Update — We believe we are in a two-stage bottoming process in the equity markets. One includes the height of fear regarding the financial markets due to liquidity concerns, which is the current environment. And then a second bottom based on economic concerns once more data is available regarding the length and magnitude of the containment procedures. 
  • Macro Strategy Time to Get Serious about Inflation — A coordinated monetary and fiscal response that will support nominal magnitudes is beginning. A “fiscal bazooka" is in the early stages to complete the coming “unprecedented policy coordination."   
  • Global Market View The Other Side: Buying Opportunities in the Post-Covid-19 World — While near-term, uncertainty and volatility will remain the norm, investors should not lose sight of buying opportunities on the other side—whether healthcare, automation/robotics/artificial intelligence, or e-commerce.

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